innovation service network references.

This is how successful innovation management looks in practice. Get inspired by selected references! 

Case Studies - our innovation service network references

Are you challenged by developing innovations that will subsequently give rise to new, digital business models? Then contact us right away and take advantage of our services!

For inspiration - selected success stories:

Pewag group launches new business field

Pewag enters the bicycle industry with the “Serea Locks” bicycle lock.

Innovation network of TU Wien

Implementation of an innovation platform to network creative minds and promote co-creation.

How to get 25 companies to innovate together!

Vivatis Holding AG innovation platform - The introduction of the platform has created significant added value by connecting the 25 subsidiaries.

AÖWB innovation campaign: Österreichs weltweites Potenzial

Open Innovation campaign of the AÖWB "Your ideas. Our future. Austria's global potential!"

Closed Innovation – Ideengarten from FSW

How to get 1,000 employees thinking in 1 month - Closed Innovation from Fonds Soziales Wien (FSW)

Open Innovation - Idea Competition in the Murau Murtal Region

Open Innovation - Idea Competition of the Holzinnovationszentrum HIZ in the Murau Murtal Region

Group-wide innovation management for RWTÜV GmbH

Group-wide innovation management for RWTÜV GmbH

Open Innovation Kick-off at Österreichische Post

Open Innovation Kick-off at Österreichische Post

Oesterreichische Nationalbank

Use of an innovation platform as a bottom-up tool for the participatory and cooperative development and evaluation of innovative ideas


Creative minds & smart ideas for the Carinthia of tomorrow.

Alpin Camping Resort HOCHoben

Crowdfunding: Alpin Camping Resort HOCHoben: Digital Transformation of the business model with Crowdbusiness


Hands-on training - Innovation Academy in cooperation with the University of Graz

AT&S Austria

Innovation Management at AT&S

Innovation Management TÜV Austria

Innovation Management at TÜV Austria

Did we raise your curiosity?

Together with the experienced innovation managers from isn, your ideas will be turned to innovations! We are looking forward to your project!


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