Open Innovation - Idea Competition in the Murau Murtal Region

Promoter: Holzinnovationszentrum HIZ

Our services

Initial situation and objective

The Holzinnovationszentrum HIZ in Zeltweg sees itself as an impulse generator for the topics bioeconomy and circular economy and creates space for ideas and a professional basis for cooperations around woodworking and wood processing. Accordingly, the intention was to start an awareness-building process in the Murau Murtal region in order to sensitize the regional population to these topics.

Methodology and procedure

An idea competition "Thinking in circles - Your idea for a sustainable future" was launched to work together on a sustainable future. In parallel, impulse presentations were held throughout the region to raise awareness of these issues among the population.

Thanks to the support of many corporate partners and sponsors, more than 40 attractive non-cash and cash prizes were made available for submitted ideas, which greatly increased the motivation of the participants.

Success factors and result

More than 80 ideas, products and processes were generated by the initiative, which will be sorted and reviewed following the competition in order to start an implementation process. In the prototype workshop connected to the HIZ, selected ideas can be implemented and further developed after successful testing. The HIZ plays an important role as a hub, involving regional partner companies, municipalities and other institutions and facilities.

Facts & Figures

high quality ideas
0 +
Active users

Do you feel like working with us?

Together with the experienced isn innovation managers, your ideas will be put into practice! We are looking forward to your project!

Further Case Studies

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Innovation network of TU Wien


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