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innovation talk 5: Customer involvement & innovation projects at Österreichische Post

innovation talk 5: Customer involvement & innovation projects at Österreichische Post

At our 5th innovation talk, we are very much looking forward to Marc Sarmiento, Head of Research & Innovation, Österreichische Post, who together with Hannes Kollross, isn - innovation service network, will give an overview of customer engagement, sustainability issues and innovation projects at Österreichische Post.

In order to meet the wishes of consumers and retailers and to make all services faster, more flexible and more environmentally friendly, Österreichische Post AG systematically involves end consumers in the development of new services. 

Topic: Customer involvement and innovation projects at Österreichische Post

When: February 21, 2023, 1:00 - 2:00pm

Where: Free online webinar in Zoom*

*The number of participants of the webinar is limited.

innovation talks are a new format of the innovation service network team. With the innovation talks we want to give you insights into exciting innovation projects and at the same time share first-hand experiences of our customers! 

Find more information about the successful cooperation with Österreichische Post in our Case Study.

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