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AI in practice: identifying and implementing individual use cases for your company


Artificial intelligence has the potential to profoundly change business processes in all areas. To be successful in this dynamic environment, it is crucial to drive innovation and utilise new technologies.

Are you an innovation manager and want to know how you can fully utilise the benefits of AI and integrate it into your company?

Together with Morgendigital, we invite you to a 90-minute AI Innovation Boost.
This interactive workshop is about:

  • Practical examples of use cases for AI

  • Recognising use cases in your company with the help of crowdsourcing 

  • Integrating the findings 

  • Advantages of AI for your employees and your company

AI in practice: identifying and implementing individual use cases for your company

16 July at 3:30 pm via Zoom

You have the unique opportunity to experience and try out the platform live. Our innovation expert Paul Kampusch and AI expert Jerry Fuchs from Morgendigital will be happy to answer your questions!

They will also evaluate the best ideas live and explain what needs to be considered from an AI perspective.

You can also exchange ideas with like-minded people from different companies who are also involved in AI. This gives you the opportunity to share experiences and clarify open questions.

Our innovation platform was developed to help you visualise and promote your ideas and innovations. We show you how to identify relevant AI tools and their areas of application for your company.

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