Welcome to our Innovation Blog.

Nachhaltigkeitsbericht (CSDR) – erhöhen die strengeren Reportingstandards den Innovationsdruck?

February 18, 2024
Reinhard Willfort

Mit welchen 3 Pain Points kämpfen Innovationsmanager:innen am meisten?

February 11, 2024
Reinhard Willfort

Kreislaufwirtschaft – warum kommen wir aus dem linearen Denken nicht heraus?

February 4, 2024
Reinhard Willfort

Warum Manager:innen-Prämien auch vom Innovationserfolg abhängig sein sollten

January 28, 2024
Reinhard Willfort

Three innovation trends that will shape 2024

January 21, 2024
Reinhard Willfort

Restart 2024: Let's innovate together!

January 7, 2024
Reinhard Willfort

The speed of innovation is escalating - why the wheel is turning faster and faster

December 17, 2023
Reinhard Willfort

When is the right time for innovation?

December 10, 2023
Reinhard Willfort

Why artificial intelligence (AI) will revolutionize knowledge management

December 3, 2023
Reinhard Willfort

10. innovation needs resources and commitment to implementation

November 26, 2023
Reinhard Willfort
In 10 Schritten zum innovativen Unternehmen ➤ 10. Innovation braucht Ressourcen und Commitment zur Umsetzung

9. Innovation needs Service Design und Design Thinking

November 19, 2023
Reinhard Willfort
10 steps to an innovative company ➤ 9. innovation needs service design and design thinking

Blockchain innovation - more than just a technology

November 12, 2023
Reinhard Willfort


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