Ideen4Kärnten: Digital Transformation of Municipal Administration as Part of the Overall "Digital Carinthia" Project

Promoter: Gemeinde-Servicezentrum Kärnten isn – innovation service network GmbH

Our services

Initial situation and objective

In order to drive forward the digital transformation of public administration in Carinthia, the innovation platform Ideen4Kärnten was launched as part of the "Open Innovation Kärnten" project.

Overall, greater use is to be made of the knowledge and innovation potential available at the site:

  • Therefore, on the one hand, the municipalities work closely with the educational institutes of the province, especially the University of Klagenfurt and the Carinthian University of Applied Sciences, as well as the Carinthian business community, such as the Carinthian Chamber of Commerce.
  • On the other hand, citizens and the regional economy should participate creatively in shaping their own living space.

The aim is to generate a large number of ideas on regional and municipal issues on an ongoing basis, implement them in a meaningful and sustainable manner and make them generally usable.

With the innovation platform Ideas4Kärnten, creative minds are involved in the future development of Carinthia through various idea competitions, and great value is placed on transparency and implemented ideas are presented on the website.

Methodology and procedure

On the initiative of Provincial Councilor Ing. Daniel Fellner, the functional scope and rollout scenario for the innovation platform were developed in cooperation with the project team. The platform was launched as the innovation platform Ideen4Kärnten. Since it is a platform of the region, a broad participation of multipliers, municipalities with interesting competitions and their citizens is of great importance. Initially, a pilot competition "GEMEINDE neu denken!" was accompanied in order to sustainably establish the exchange of ideas and solutions via the platform. Accompanying training measures on the topics of community management and communications consulting were carried out, with the aim of maintaining momentum after the pilot phase was achieved through exciting follow-up competitions and successfully implemented ideas.

Success factors and result

  • A comprehensive action plan was created to "antease" the first competition & initiative - successfully building the community.
  • Necessary multipliers were invited & activated
  • Lead User were invited and contributed ideas
  • The first contest was continuously tested & optimized (images, texts, goodies etc.)
  • This allowed to build a good base and know-how for the following competitions


The vision behind the project: "We are Austria's largest network of regional self-design. With unique people, we create innovative solutions for our living space. Individual ideas are developed and realized together and improve the quality of life." This initiative offers a unique opportunity throughout Austria to actively shape the further development of communal life. With the innovation platform Ideas4Carinthia, citizens can contribute ideas, exchange ideas, give feedback and work together on solutions for the Carinthian municipalities. The Carinthian communities thus give their citizens the opportunity to actively shape their environment. This form of citizen participation is a great appreciation and recognition of the municipality towards the citizens and an opportunity to involve many stakeholders and idea providers in finding solutions for municipal tasks. In a further step, this platform will also be used for internal innovation management in the municipalities.

Facts & Figures

  • Innovation platform Ideas4Kärnten online since the end of 2020
  • Ongoing new idea competitions of different communities with great prizes to incentivize the citizens


Status 07/2024

Active users - mostly creative citizens
Ideas & suggestions for improvement
0 +

Customer feedback

© Foto:

Dipl.-Ing. Manfred Wundara

CIO & CDO of the City of Villach
Digitization provides incredible opportunities for Austrian municipalities to make them smarter and more livable. The services provided by municipalities will become more transparent and can be used more independently of time and place. Involving citizens in the service provision process itself can also be an issue. In any case, everyone will ultimately benefit from efficient administrative services and Austria will be able to develop positively overall.

Do you feel like working with us?

Together with the experienced isn innovation managers, your ideas will be put into practice! We are looking forward to your project!

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