Training as certified Innovation Manager:in TÜV® in cooperation with isn

Would you like to complete a training course to become an Innovation Manager at the TÜV AUSTRIA Academy and get the tools that will make your company successful in the long term? The expertise of isn in course design and the know-how of our experienced trainers provide a practical and certified training.

Long-term successful business requires innovations

Learn where you want! The course dates take place simultaneously at the location as a classroom course AND online in a mixed learning setting. This means that on-site and online participants form a joint seminar group.

Target group

Are you responsible for the implementation or further development of internal innovation management? Then this practice-oriented Innovation Manager training is for you.

In the training you will find: Employees from research & development, product development, product management, marketing, business development, executives, quality managers.


Zum Thema

Die Zukunft kann und muss gestaltet werden. Hierfür bedarf es Innovationsfähigkeit. 

Für die betriebliche Weiterentwicklung und das Bestehen am Markt sind Unternehmen gefordert, aktiv zu werden.


  • Basics of innovation management
  • Goals and tasks of innovation management
  • Innovation strategy, culture, processes
  • Strategic innovation management
  • Creativity methods
  • Innovation Project Management
  • Durchführung von Kreativ-Workshops
  • Service Design Thinking
  • Idea Management
  • Innovationswerkzeuge & KI-Tools für Innovationsmanagement
  • Open Innovation, Crowdsourcing, Co-Creation
  • Business model innovation
  • Fördermöglichkeiten für Innovationsprojekte
  • Beispiele und Tipps aus der und für die Praxis


  • Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Reinhard Willfort, Innovations- und Wissensmanager, Gründer und Leiter der Innovationsschmiede ISN – Innovation Service Network, Initiator des European Digital Innovation Hub (EDIH) „Crowd in Motion“, Universitätslektor
  • Dipl.-Ing. Christoph Schwald, Leitung Innovationsmanagement TÜV AUSTRIA
  • Rudolf Greger, Gründer des Design-Thinktanks, Designer (Corporate Design/Branding, Produktdesign, UX-/CX-/Interaction-Design, Servicedesign), Designunternehmer, eh. Vorstandssprecher von designaustria
  • Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Andreas Rehklau, Experte für Kreativität und Innovation, Schwerpunkte u.a. Business Development und nachhaltiges Wirtschaften

Do you want to become a certified innovation manager?

Dann triff im Lehrgang Top-Trainer:innen mit langjähriger Berufserfahrung im Innovationsmanagement!

More Academy offers

Master Program | Innovation Management

EDIH Training Series "Digital Innovation Management

Monthly presentation of "innovationplatform.v3"

University Course | Digital Innovation Modelling (DIM)

Certified Innovation Manager

Customized innovation seminars and workshops


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