Innovation workshop "Digital Innovation Modelling (DIM)" with Uni4Life (duration 4 to 6 months)

Are you looking for the best solution and creative minds for a future project in your company? You want your teams to learn how to systematically develop solutions - including a university certificate (8 ECTS points)?
Register here and secure a free place for companies in our "Digital Innovation Modeling for Business" course.

From the idea to the business model - solve an innovation problem of your company with a winning team!

Use the creative potential of students and practitioners working together on projects under the professional guidance of isn. This new program is offered practice-oriented in cooperation with UNIforLIFE Weiterbildungs GmbH , unicorn of the Karl-Franzens-University Graz and isn - innovation service network GmbH.

Maximum potential for innovation

For your innovative projects, four companies will work with you in a future-oriented workshop. You can send up to four of your employees to work in a small group together with students from the University of Graz. Thinkers and creative minds will work on the development of products, services or processes in six interactive workshops with a focus on results. They are supported by professional innovation coaches, e-learning materials and digital tools from practice.


Spaces for new things: analysis space, solution space, result space

Teams work in three modules:

Benefits for companies

The entire think tank process brings your company actionable results, inter-company networking, potential new employees, and a knowledge edge.

Your participating employees will receive a university certificate (8 ECTS points) upon successful completion.

Benefits für Unternehmen

Voices from the DIM Community

stephan witzel

Mag.rer.soc.oec. Stephan Witzel

Managing Director UNI for LIFE Weiterbildungs GmbH of the University of Graz
isn is the ideal cooperation partner with a lot of practical know-how in the field of lived innovation processes. Together we have managed to create a truly innovative and in this constellation unprecedented training concept in the field of innovation management.

Do you want to join DIM?

The focus is on the personal and digital networking of your company and your employees with students from a wide range of disciplines. Both sides can build on each other's expertise and work together on your real innovation project to expand their know-how.

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University Course | Digital Innovation Modelling (DIM)

Do you have an organizational challenge and want to develop ideas and business models together with other companies, students and innovation experts to tackle them? (8 ECTS points)

– UNI for LIFE at the University of Graz

Certified Innovation Manager

Are you looking for effective innovation tools that will contribute to your success? Are you looking for certified innovation programs within a manageable timeframe?

– TüV Akademie Austria

Customized innovation seminars and workshops

Do you want to unlock the innovation spirit of your organization? Our tailored workshops can be adopted to every expert level, support team building and convinces skeptics.


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