Du möchtest die Bedürfnisse deiner Kund:innen besser verstehen und suchst nach einem Design Thinking Workshop?

Deine Kunden und andere relevante Zielgruppen haben konkrete Wünsche und Bedürfnisse, die du herausfinden möchtest? Erarbeite mit uns in einem Design Thinking Workshop, was deine Zielgruppen bei der (Weiter-)Entwicklung von Produkten und Dienstleistungen als Mitdenker:innen einbringen können. Durch den maßgeschneiderten Interaktionsprozess auf digitaler und persönlicher Ebene senkst du dein Innovationsrisiko maßgeblich! 

Case Studies


Hands-on training - Innovation Academy in cooperation with the University of Graz


Creative minds & smart ideas for the Carinthia of tomorrow.

Oesterreichische Nationalbank

Use of an innovation platform as a bottom-up tool for the participatory and cooperative development and evaluation of innovative ideas

Open Innovation - Idea Competition in the Murau Murtal Region

Open Innovation - Idea Competition of the Holzinnovationszentrum HIZ in the Murau Murtal Region

Are you looking for experts to professionally facilitate a Service Design workshop?

Dann führen wir dich und dein Team mit professionellen Design Thinking Workshops durch den gesamten Design Thinking Prozess, der Kund:innenwissen sichtbar macht und dein Innovationsrisiko senkt!

Our additional innovation services

Online Innovation Challenges & Crowd Communication Services

Take advantage of the crowd! Do you need support to run online innovation challenges? We build and manage together with you your innovation community.

Knowledge Management

Move your organization to the "pole position" by managing the wealth of knowledge you have built up over many years.

Moderation & Community Management

Would you and your team like to become moderators and community experts and learn how to leverage networks for success?

Individual support for innovation projects

Each and every individual in your company is important for innovation. Are your team members already involved and is there already an innovation culture?

Assessing your innovation potential

Do you want to analyze your innovation potential? We work with proven methods such as iScan®plus.

Innovation strategy

Do you want to develop a sustainable strategy to cope with a rapidly-changing digital landscape? We develop together with you structured steps that will help you to achieve growth and future sustainability.


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