Fotocredit: Andrea Renda
From September 12 to 13, 2024, Tec24 took place in the MuseumsQuartier Vienna, where our mastermind Reinhard Willfort attended the Technology Talks Austria Kickoff, which focused on Europe's “Triple Transition” - ecological - digital - human - in the context of research, technology and innovation and gave the former Technology Talks from the Forum Alpbach a new dynamic and perspective.
The Technology Talks 2024 brought together visionary thinkers, innovative researchers and committed politicians and industry representatives to discuss the essential importance of key technologies and the important role of research, technology and innovation (RTI) for the “Triple Transition”.
26 hours of top-class program with concise keynotes by internationally renowned speakers, diverse plenary debates and twelve in-depth workshops lie behind us. Plus numerous discussions at the exhibitors' stands and, of course, at the garden party!
Some of the speakers have made their presentations available for download:
Downloads of selected presentations
Conclusion: linear thinking will not be enough. We will have to unpack Frederic Vester's book “Die Kunst vernetzt zu Denken“ again and work on sustainable solutions together with the “crowd” of those affected.