innovation service network research.

We strive for the cutting edge of innovation. This is why we work together with international and well-known research partners in many national and European research projects.

Through the research work of isn we know current trends and technologies and develop new innovation methods and tools from it. A knowledge advantage from which our customers and development partners benefit! In addition to numerous national and European research projects, we have partnerships on the following main topics:

Big Data and Artificial Intelligence
Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies

Our national and European Research Projects

In various application-oriented national and European research projects, we are exploring trends and developing new knowledge on topics such as artificial intelligence, digital transformation, smart cities or knowledge transfer:


Creating new opportunities for smart cities (Erasmus + Projekt, 2018-2021)


Crowdfunding for valorization cultural assets (INTERREG CE, 2017-2019)

Crowd Fund Port

Innovative crowdfunding for startups and SMEs (INTERREG CE, 2016-2019)


Crowdsourcing in urban development (JPI Urban Europe, 2014-2017)


Open Innovation, Mobile Technologies & Industry 4.0 for SMEs (Europäische Kommission, 2011-2014)


New e-mobility services with open innovation (Klima- und Energiefonds, Leuchttürme der E-Mobilität, 2014-2017)


Just-in-time and real-time learning change personnel development (Europäische Kommission, 2006-2010)


Promoting innovation through cross-border knowledge transfer (INTERREG SI-AT, 2006-2008)


Creativity and innovation tools for the knowledge workplace of the future (FFG, 2005-2007)

More information on the individual topics, partnerships and research projects will be coming soon!