Research | EMILIA


New e-mobility services with open innovation

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With the aim of making freight logistics in urban areas more efficient and cleaner in the future, 15 leading Austrian companies are working together. Under the leadership of the Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT), novel freight logistics concepts for urban areas are being developed and experimentally implemented in the EMILIA project - "Electric Mobility for Innovative Freight Logistics in Austria". At the same time, the range of small electric vehicles is to be extended through technological optimization and costs optimized in the process. This project is funded by the Climate and Energy Fund with 2.65 million euros and is carried out within the framework of the "Lighthouses of E-Mobility" program.

Within the framework of EMILIA, ISN provides important innovation impulses directly from the user's point of view and links different partners to form a dynamic innovation network.

Electromobility is probably the most important system innovation of this century. The development of new services, networks and business models is essential to build up this new market in Austria.

Partner: Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT), Austrian Mobile Power, Automobilcluster OÖ, Bitter, DPD, Econsult, Gebrüder Weiss, gleam technologies, HET Verkehrstechnik, Innovation Service Network (isn), Magana Steyr, Miba, REWE, Schachinger, SIGNON


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