Reinhard Willfort

DI Dr. Reinhard Willfort

Reinhard Willfort is managing director, mastermind and university lecturer in Graz and in Vienna.

"Always act in such a way that the number of choices increases." - Heinz v. Foerster

Main focus of Reinhard Willfort's work

Reinhard Willfort focuses on crowdsourcing, crowdfunding, open innovation, idea management, trend research and the development of new business models.


AVL, Berndorf, Binder & Co, BMWFW, Böhler, Bona, Donau-Universität Krems, Erste, Fraunhofer, Hochschober, Greiner, GKK, Industriellenvereinigung, innoregio, Iskratel, Keller, KWF, MIBA, NXP, Paybox, Pollmann, Porr, Raiffeisen, RFTE, salzburgresearch, SIEMENS, Sparkasse, Stadt Graz, Styria Media Group, ORF, TÜV, UNIKO, VAMED, Volksbank, voestalpine, Webster, Wiesbauer, WKO

Hard Facts über Reinhard Willfort


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