Stay up to date with our innovation news.

Exciting keynote lecture at the trend afternoon of the IÖB Servicestelle

March 20, 2023
Keynote lecture: Procurement trends - jointly identifying the trends of the future for public procurement

Innovation management can be trained! - Be part of the online training

March 6, 2023
The Innovation Management Online Training is an offer via our European Digital Innovation Hub "Crowd in Motion".

The IÖB Servicestelle öffentliche Beschaffungsverantwortliche invites to the discussion afternoon

February 27, 2023
IÖB Event: 16.3.2023 Procurement Trends - Jointly Identifying the Trends of the Future for Public Purchasing

innovation talk 6: Building the future - innovation trends in the construction industry

February 15, 2023
Save the date: 28. März 2023, 13:00 – 14:00 innovation talk #6: Christian Hofstadler, Vorstand des Instituts für Baubetrieb der TU Graz und Reinhard Willfort

Save money with our "innovationplatform.v3

February 14, 2023
Saving with our "innovationplatform.v3" ✓ with 7 companies ✓ in 7 weeks ➤ to digital idea management

Solutions for DLT applications wanted!

February 2, 2023
You still have until 20.3.2023 to submit your solution for DLT applications to the idea competition!

innovation talk 5: Customer involvement & innovation projects at Österreichische Post

January 24, 2023
Save the date: February 21, 2023, 1:00 - 2:00 pm innovation talk #5: Marc Sarmiento, Head of Research & Innovation, Österreichische Post and Hannes Kollross on the topic of ➤ Customer involvement and innovation projects at Österreichische Post

Information event on the university course Innovation Management at Universität für Weiterbildung Krems

January 24, 2023
Info event about the university course Innovation Management ▪︎ When: 14.2.2023 5:30 pm ▪︎ Where: Online

ONLINE TRAINING: Digital Idea Management

December 23, 2022
The idea management online training for the public sector is one of the first offerings for the European Digital Innovation Hub "Crowd in Motion".

innovation talk 4: Innovation Management as a profession

December 9, 2022
Save the date: December 21, 2022, 1:00 - 2:00 pm innovation talk #4: Florian Halm, Course Director of the University for Continuing Education Krems and Reinhard Willfort on the topic ➤ Innovation Management as a Profession

We are the Austrian European Digital Innovation Hub (EDIH) „Crowd in Motion“!

December 9, 2022
Crowd in Motion EDIH relies on a unique combination of Artificial Intelligence with human swarm intelligence to increase the innovation and change readiness of SMEs and public organizations.

HASHGRAPH INNOVATIONSPROGRAMM – Innovations-Partnerschaft mit The Hashgraph Association and Swiss Digital Assets Institute

December 9, 2022
The Hashgraph Association (THA) und Swiss Digital Assets Institute (SDAI) ist eine strategische Partnerschaft mit isn eingegangen, um die Hedera Technologie in Österreich zu etablieren. Zur Steigerung des Bekanntheitsgrads von Hedera Hashgraph bieten THA/SDAI ein interessantes Innovationsprogramm, das sowohl Ausbildung und Zertifizierung als auch finanzielle Förderung von innovativen Projekten vorsieht.


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