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Thinking in circles - your idea for a sustainable future

Thinking in circles - your idea for a sustainable future

hiz ideenwettbewerb
The Wood Innovation Center (HIZ) is a driving force when it comes to the bioeconomy, circular economy and sustainability topics. Would you also like to actively contribute and provide an impulse? Then join in and get creative for the Murau Murtal region and submit your solutions to the ideas competition and win great prizes!

Do you also want to actively contribute to a sustainable future in the Murau Murtal region?


Specifically, ideas are being sought on the following topics:

Ideas from all areas are welcome - expressly also beyond the topic of wood! Creative submissions (also from teams) from the regional population, schools, associations, companies, etc., but also from clever minds throughout the country are in demand. Whether you develop something new or transform the existing - there are no limits to your creativity in the HIZ ideas competition.

Entry deadline: December 30, 2022

Here's what to win:

Additional recognition awards:

About HIZ

12 Firmen – die meisten aus der Holzbranche – mit rund 250 Mitarbeitern, arbeiten und produzieren bereits am 40 Hektar großen Areal des HIZ.

Through cooperations, the use of its own prototype workshop as well as office and event infrastructure, HIZ promotes the optimal conditions for synergies.

Your creativity is needed for the HIZ idea competition!


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