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BOOK TIP: Science and meditation: On the path to a conscious natural society

BOOK TIP: Science and meditation: On the path to a conscious natural society


Hardcover edition - January 21, 2024

"We have maneuvered ourselves into a difficult situation. How do we get out of it? Is it already too late and will we perish in a global catastrophe? Or will we - awakened by the approaching catastrophe - reach a new stage of development by mobilizing our best forces?"

Our European Digital Innovation Hub (EDIH) Crowd in Motion is driving Europe's green and digital transformation, which is essential for a future-oriented society. In this context, we see the book as an important contribution to moving towards a sustainable and conscious society together.

Bruno Buchberger takes us on a profound journey through the current global challenges. He confronts us with an urgent question: How can we free ourselves from the difficult situation we have maneuvered ourselves into? Are we already doomed, or is it possible to reach a new stage of development by mobilizing our best forces?

Buchberger's book offers a personal answer to these pressing questions. He shows that a fascinating and fulfilling new level is definitely achievable for everyone. But to achieve this, we must consistently follow two paths: the path of science and the path of meditation.

These two paths initially appear to be diametrically opposed. Science stands for the rational penetration of nature, while meditation represents the holistic experience of letting go of the intellect. However, Buchberger emphasizes that neither science alone nor meditation alone is sufficient to ensure personal happiness and a positive future for society.

Purchase recommendation

For anyone looking for an inspiring and holistic perspective on current global challenges, "Science and Meditation: Towards a Conscious Natural Society" by Bruno Buchberger is an essential book. Get your copy now and discover how you can personally and collectively contribute to positive change.

Get to know Bruno Buchberger personally

Triff Bruno Buchberger als Gast bei Reinhard Willforts LinkedIn Live-Event
„Crowd in Motion #14 – Buchtipp: Wissenschaft und Meditation“, das am 29.2.2024 stattgefunden hat. Für alle, die nicht live dabei sein konnten, gibt es hier die Aufzeichnung:

Recession by Dr. Reinhard Willfort

It is rare to find authors with a personality profile like Prof. Buchberger's: mathematician, manager and musician. With this book, a work has now been created that combines several focal points that can otherwise only be covered by several authors. In my opinion, it is the most important book that Prof. Buchberger has ever written, because it gets to the heart of the current challenges facing the world. At the same time, it opens up a solution space that helps the reader to develop a suitable lifestyle from different and concrete recommendations. Unfortunately, the title of the book only reveals part of the content, including recommendations for action. For me, it is a book by an inspiring teacher that you will pick up more than once!


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