Ideas are the basis for innovations and innovations are the lifeline of companies. Creativity is the ability to generate new ideas. The question is, where and when does this work best? Those who want to work on creative tasks at their desk in the company are often interrupted. With creativity methods, facilitators can design a creative process with several minds in the team that is highly likely to lead to new solutions. However, companies usually don't have the time for this.
It is currently apparent that we need more creativity and innovation, but that there is less and less time and leisure available for this. This is not about artistic creativity, but about the ability to solve problems using creative ideas. Ideas usually arise from the networking of different areas of knowledge in the mind or through the networking of several minds in dialog or via digital media. What can be done to promote the creative flash of inspiration and make innovation part of the corporate culture?
Problem solving means "getting away from the problem". This refers to an effect that many of us have already experienced: You work hard and concentrate on the problem, but you don't get any closer to the solution. At some point, the time comes when you break off this thought process, a change of activity is called for, e.g. due to an upcoming appointment, or you switch to some free time and do some sport. So you no longer consciously think about the problem and suddenly it ⚡CLICK 💥 in your head and an idea for a solution comes to the surface!
Coincidence? No, we know from brain research and neuroscientific studies on creativity that an equal[1], rather low activation of different areas of the brain is conducive to creative inspiration overall (this is called "low arousal"). Anyone working on a task with a high level of concentration provides a measurable "hotspot" in the brain that blocks solutions. In phases of reduced cognitive load or during breaks, on the other hand, the brain's ability to network increases and work continues and is generated unconsciously.
For business practice, this insight provides interesting design approaches for more innovation in the company: It can be very beneficial to consciously discuss a current problem with a few other people on a walk. The change of environment and the movement promote a weak, even activation of different regions of our brain. Relaxation techniques such as autogenic training or transcendental meditation also promote creative performance.
The establishment of creativity rooms in companies or the opportunity to work on creative tasks from home also promotes the emergence of innovations. The additional digital networking mobilizes collective creativity and enables the creation and documentation of flashes of inspiration regardless of time and place. However, digital innovation platforms can do much more and were already the focus of a "Let’s innovate together“ blog post.
Conclusion: The unique place for more creativity and flashes of inspiration varies from person to person and also depends on lifestyle. Individuals who are active in nature have more opportunities to enter the "low arousal" state. Those who prefer to work in a team can utilize the collective creativity of different personality and thought profiles. Creativity methods provide a framework for this and promote the flow of ideas. Those who work in a distributed and decentralized manner can use digital tools to promote networking. In the future, AI tools will also be increasingly used in the creative sector.
I look forward to your feedback and wish you a restful and creative Sunday!
Reinhard Willfort, Innovation Doctor, www.willfort.at
Let’s innovate together!
I am happy to offer further support for innovation projects as an Innovationdoc, sparring partner and thought collaborator.
The “Laufend-kreativ” format is based on the ideas from this newsletter and provides an opportunity to reflect on your own positioning or tackle specific tasks with me personally in nature. Book your free innovation consultation now!