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Open.Innovation - 2nd place: "Ideenwettbewerb Mobility Lab Graz“

Open.Innovation - 2nd place: "Ideenwettbewerb Mobility Lab Graz“


The prize for innovations created through the power of the crowd was awarded in three categories: Open.Innovation, Innovation.Funding and Corporate.Innovation. Numerous projects from Germany, Austria and Switzerland applied for the coveted trophies. Three per category were awarded prizes.

In the category Open.Innovation the 2nd place goes to the idea competition of Mobility Lab Graz.

In 2021, the idea initiative was launched to find innovative mobility solutions that would make cycling more attractive on the grounds of LKH-Univ. Klinikum Graz.

In addition, the "Drück Michis" were tested at the same location. Bike bars that are mounted on car parking spaces and can be folded up when needed to free the parking space for cars. The idea for this project came from a crowdsourcing project of the Mobility Lab Graz.

isn Geburtstag
From left to right:
Doris Suppan, isn, Coordinator Crowdinnovation Award 2023
Jens Rockel, Deputy Head of Innovation Financing Fraunhofer Center IMW, supporting partner Crowdinnovation Award
Karoline Perchthaler, CFO isn, Head of Innovation Funding
Joachim Schwerin, Principal Economist, Unit Digital Transformation of Industry, DG GROW, European Commission, Juror Crowdinnovation Award 2023
Antonia Flecker, LKH-Univ. Klinikum Graz

The summary of the jury evaluation

Die Kommentare der Juroren zeigen, dass das Projekt eine interessante und innovative Umsetzung im Bereich der Mobilität darstellt. Lobenswert ist die aktive Einbindung der Crowd und die Schaffung von Lösungen zur Verbesserung der Radinfrastruktur. Das Projekt trägt zur Verbesserung der Mobilität und der Radinfrastruktur bei und hat einen positiven ökologischen Impact.

The crowd powered innovation award is an initiative of the European Digital Innovation Hub (EDIH) Crowd in Motion and the Fraunhofer-Zentrum für Internationales Management und Wissensökonomie (IMW) in Leipzig, Germany.

Impressions of the award ceremony and the isn celebrates 20 + 2 years event were captured in the highlight video of the event.

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