In 10 steps to an innovative company

Publication: September 10, 2023
Author: Reinhard Willfort
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In 10 steps to an innovative company

What does innovation actually mean?

The pressure to innovate is increasing in all industries and yet a professional approach to the topic of innovation is still new or difficult to establish for many companies. Therefore, starting today, I will share my experiences of the last 25 years as an "innovation doctor" in a condensed form on a weekly basis as inspiration and cordially invite you to read, think or discuss with me.



Good ideas are the basis of innovations, but they are not yet the innovation! Edison was a genius inventor and said: innovation consists of 1% inspiration (i.e. the idea) and 99% perspiration and by this he meant the high effort it takes to implement ideas.

Ideas don't just happen by chance in the shower, but can be developed systematically using creativity methods. In companies, good ideas often lie in the drawers of the employees, but there is no framework and no resources to deal with them further.

What it takes to implement professional innovation management in organizations is listed in 10 points in the following plan. It has been developed over the last 25 years from application experience and research work and is being continuously refined:

 1. Innovation is a matter for the boss
 2. Innovation needs strategy
 3. Innovation needs ambassadors
 4. Innovation needs (free) space
 5. Innovation needs incentives
 6. Innovation needs methods and processes
 7. Innovation needs a digital basis
 8. Innovation needs networking
 9. Innovation needs Service Design
10. Innovation needs resources and implementation

Starting with the next blog post in a week's time, we will each take a closer look at one focal point and also refer to examples and successful innovators. I am already looking forward to a lively exchange on the first topic "Innovation is a management matter".

A first impulse for this: In an interview, Alexander Osterwalder says"CEOs need to spend 40 to 60% of their time on innovation." Is he right? What does the situation look like in your company? If you are a CEO yourself, how much time do you spend on future projects per week?

I wish you a restful-creative Sunday!

Reinhard Willfort, Innovation Doctor,

There is nothing stronger than an idea whose time has come

- Victor Hugo; former author and politician

Do you want to get started with your innovation project and are looking for support? Make an appointment with Reinhard Willfort right here.


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