What about the innovative capacity of political parties in Austria?

Publication: September 29, 2024
Author: Reinhard Willfort
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Source: OpenAI, query 28.9.2024

Since the current election campaign for the National Council elections has, in my opinion, neglected the topics of innovation and the future, I have started a small experiment with Chat GPT for the current newsletter. In several queries, I tried to analyze the structure and characteristics of the innovative capacity of political parties in Austria. My first query was: “Analyze the innovative capacity of the most important political parties in Austria and give a well-founded ranking.” Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

The first evaluation in verbal form has revealed a rather interesting structure of criteria that I consider to be quite relevant. The period from 2013 to 2023 covered by openAI also explains why the KPÖ is not mentioned in the list, although this party has recently received increased support from voters.

The details of the evaluation will now follow. My personal conclusion to OpenAI's comments can be found at the end of the newsletter.

Detailed results of the survey on innovation capability

The innovativeness of political parties can be analyzed on several levels, including the way they develop new ideas, adapt political programs and implement technological or organizational innovations. In Austria, several parties play a central role: the Österreichische Volkspartei (ÖVP), the Sozialdemokratische Partei Österreichs (SPÖ), the Freiheitliche Partei Österreichs (FPÖ), the NEOS and the Die Grünen. The innovative capacity of these parties can be ranked based on various factors such as digitalization, programme development, internal reforms and reaction to social trends.

Overall evaluation of strengths and weaknesses in innovation capability: The height of the bar results from the sum of 4 criteria each, which were assessed from 0 to 10

Here you can see the bar chart comparing the strengths (green) and weaknesses (red) of the main political parties in Austria. Each party is listed on the x-axis, while the ratings on a scale of 0 to 10 represent the relative strength and weakness.

The Greens and the NEOS have the strongest positive values, while the FPÖ shows the greatest weaknesses in the comparison. The SPÖ and ÖVP are in the middle, with moderate strengths but also noticeable weaknesses. Details on the strengths and weaknesses of the individual parties are listed below:

1. Die Grünen

Strengths in the ability to innovate:

  • Climate policy and environmental protection: Die Grünen have a clear profile in the area of climate protection and sustainable innovation, which has become increasingly important globally in recent years.
  • Political programs: They continuously update their program to reflect the latest scientific findings in climate protection, sustainable economy and environmental issues.
  • Technological and social trends: Die Grünen are in close contact with civil society movements and are often at the forefront of technological innovation in environmental technologies, mobility and renewable energy.
  • Organizational innovation: Internally, the Greens demonstrate flexibility, for example through flatter hierarchies and the inclusion of grassroots democratic processes.



  • The focus on specific subject areas can lead to less innovative concepts being pursued in other areas.


Strengths in the ability to innovate:

  • Education and digitalization agenda: NEOS place a strong focus on education and digitalization, two key issues for a country's ability to innovate.
  • Economic liberalism: They focus on economic reforms and innovative concepts in the area of entrepreneurship and reducing bureaucracy, which is often seen as a prerequisite for economic and technological innovation.
  • Internal structures: The NEOS are experimenting with participatory processes and are strongly committed to transparency and citizen participation.



  • In other areas such as social policy or environmental protection, they often appear less innovative or focused.

3. SPÖ

Strengths in the ability to innovate:

  • Social policy: The SPÖ shows a willingness to innovate in social policy, particularly in the areas of the labor market, health and education.
  • Tradition and renewal: Although it has often stuck to more traditional concepts, in the past it has shown the ability to react to social changes, such as new social movements or the integration of diversity.
  • Attempts at renewal: Internally, there are always attempts to modernize party structures, even if these often meet with resistance.



  • Internal blockades: In recent years, the SPÖ has often struggled with internal power struggles and a lack of unity, which inhibits its ability to innovate.
  • Tradition vs. modernity: The tension between traditional supporters and the need to appeal to younger, urban voter groups often makes it difficult to implement innovative concepts.

4. ÖVP

Strengths in the ability to innovate:

  • Technology and economic agenda: The ÖVP under the leadership of Sebastian Kurz tried to present itself as a modern, business-friendly party that supports digitalization and technological innovation.
  • Flexibility: The party has proven that it can adapt strategically in order to adapt to changing political conditions, as seen in its reorganization as “Liste Kurz” in 2017.



  • Conservative orientation: The traditional focus on conservative values can act as an obstacle to innovation in some areas, particularly in social policy or social modernization issues.
  • Lack of program innovation: In many areas, the party is perceived as backward or too strongly tied to existing structures, which is less popular with younger voters in particular.

5. FPÖ

Strengths in the ability to innovate:

  • Communication strategies: The FPÖ has used innovative communication strategies in the past, particularly in the area of social media and direct communication with voters.
  • Populism: The party shows flexibility in reacting to current social fears or concerns and integrating them into its programs.



  • Ideological rigidity: The FPÖ's strong ideological focus, particularly on issues of migration and nationalism, limits the party's ability to innovate as it relies on conservative or backward-looking narratives.
  • Few technological or political innovations: While the FPÖ has a strong communicative presence, it lacks far-reaching innovative approaches in other policy areas such as the environment, digitalization or the economy.

Conclusion and ranking

  1. Die Grünen – They show the greatest capacity for innovation, particularly in the areas of climate protection, technological change and social renewal.
  2. NEOS – With a strong focus on digitalization, education and economic reforms, they are particularly innovative in these areas.
  3. SPÖ – Despite internal problems, the SPÖ shows a willingness to innovate in social policy and in its attempts to reform the party.
  4. ÖVP – The party shows flexibility in its political strategy, but its conservative orientation often inhibits innovation.
  5. FPÖ – Despite its communication innovations, the party is strongly ideological, which limits its ability to innovate.

This ranking is based on the balance between substantive and structural innovation in combination with how the parties deal with current social and technological challenges.

Detailed analysis based on individual criteria

Naturally, I was curious as to how the AI arrived at this result and I therefore created further detailed queries. Interesting details were thrown up:

In order to differentiate the bars for each party according to specific criteria, I will divide the strengths and weaknesses into different subcategories. The criteria I will use for each party include:


  1. Program innovation (e.g. environmental, social, economic)
  2. Technological innovation (digitalization, progress)
  3. Organizational flexibility (internal reforms, participation)
  4. Communication strategy (social media, voter contact)



  1. Rigid traditions (inflexibility, ideological rigidity)
  2. Internal problems (power struggles, disunity)
  3. Lack of diversity of topics (focus on a few topics)
  4. Slow adaptation to trends (reaction to social developments)

The strengths and weaknesses were then divided into these criteria and a summed bar chart was created showing the composition of the individual bars. The values for each party in these categories were determined on a scale of 0 to 10, based on OpenAI's assessment of the respective innovation capabilities and obstacles.

Strengths in the ability to innovate
Weaknesses in the ability to innovate

The analysis of the innovative capacity of political parties in Austria is based on current developments and trends over the last 5 to 10 years. This period covers roughly the years 2013 to 2023 and reflects political changes, election campaigns, internal reforms and the parties' adaptation to social and technological developments during this period.

Particularly relevant events are:

  • The transformation of the ÖVP under Sebastian Kurz from 2017.
  • The increasing relevance of climate policy, which strengthened the Greens.
  • The positioning of NEOS as a party for economic and digital innovation.
  • The parties' handling of the coronavirus pandemic (2020-2022), which put both political programmes and organizational and communicative structures to the test.

The assessments therefore reflect the parties' ability to innovate during this period and their approach to social, technological and political challenges.

Personal conclusion

The strength of a very well-trained AI is also evident in this query. It would not have been possible for me personally to bring together a time span of 10 years with different details in a short time and derive a structure and differentiation from it.

The weakness can be seen in the lack of transparency of the analyzed database and, of course, in the formulation of suitable questions and their interpretation. However, I was not concerned with the scientific relevance of the results.

In this respect, even in the age of AI, it is up to the reader to draw personal conclusions from this information from openAI.

As I am not politically active myself, it was an interesting experiment for me. In principle, I see the relevance of the proposed criteria for the assessment of innovation capability from innovation expertise.

In the current situation and economic situation, the question of how much innovation Austria needs or can cope with as a nation and where the available resources for innovation will come from appears to be particularly relevant.

I look forward to your feedback and wish you an exciting election day, but above all a relaxing Sunday!

Reinhard Willfort, Innovation Doctor, www.willfort.at

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