The first of a total of four events took place at the beginning of February. After this extremely inspiring kick-off event, we started the second round on March 19 with lots of inspiration and positive examples: Tecnet equity in cooperation with isn hosted an interaktive workshopat accent Makerspace Tulln.
The question of how sustainable business modeling with a focus on the circular economy can succeed was addressed in this workshop. Lower Austrian research institutions should be able to use the methods and procedures derived from this in future projects.
Together with experienced experts, we invited participants to a creative world café with various stations and focal points.
Sara Carniello, Thomas Dopler and Andreas Van-Hametner provided in-depth expertise and experience for the World Café. Afterwards, all participants were invited to generate ideas using the “brainwalking” method.
The aim was to identify initial approaches and ideas on the topic of the circular economy in companies, such as process logic, product development and (digital) communication, in order to then develop these into feasible design prototypes in a follow-up workshop in May.
Dott. Sara Carniello, MBA - Scientist at JOANNEUM RESEARCH Forschungsgesellschaft mbH, LIFE – Institute for Climate, Energy and Society
Sara Carniello is a technology developer specializing in the assessment of the sustainability and recyclability of electronics and materials. She is also an advisor to Circular Economy Forum Austria for the same topics.
Dr. Andreas Van-Hametner, MA – Managing Director Ressourcen Forum Austria
Andreas Van-Hametner, who studied economic geography, has headed the Resources Forum Austria, an Austrian platform for the efficient use of resources and the circular economy, since 2020. Ressourcen Forum Austria creates awareness of the circular economy business case, makes the topic tangible with action-oriented analysis tools and networks stakeholders to share experiences.
DI Dr. Thomas Dopler – Managing Partner ISCON GmbH
Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Thomas Dopler, Managing Partner of ISCON, has more than 30 years of experience in the fields of innovation and sustainability. He gained this experience in the steel and aluminum industry, but also in the automotive and supplier industry as well as in aviation and additive manufacturing. The spectrum ranges from industrial (series) production to mechanical and plant engineering. From research, development and production to sales and marketing, from the financial side to management and M&A, we have extensive knowledge.
Moderation: Dr. Reinhard Willfort, Mastermind at isn – innovation service network GmbH
And this is how it continues …
The World Café will be followed by a concretization phase together with lead users in May 2024. The aim is to further develop selected ideas from the previous workshop and condense them into concrete design prototypes.
As the highlight of the “r2v next” series, we present the results. The prototypes from the two workshops (r2v Labs) will be presented here, as well as keynote speeches by 1-2 experts, followed by a plenary discussion. Expected in September 2024.