ÖNORM ISO 56000 Innovation Management
Austrian Standards is the Austrian organisation for standardisation and innovation. For over 100 years, it has provided a platform for the development of standards, bringing expertise from all over the world to Austria and strengthening organisations in the effective application of standards. Austrian experts thus have the opportunity to participate in international standardisation processes, including in ISO/TC 279.
In September 2024, the first certifiable ISO 56001 ‘Innovation Management System - Requirements’ standard will be published. Committees from 78 nations have been working on a standard for innovation management in ISO/TC 279 since 2013. isn mastermind Reinhard Willfort is also part of this committee.
The document is applicable to all types of organizations, regardless of type, industry, maturity or size, and to all types of innovation, from incremental to radical, and all innovation approaches, such as internal and open innovation, as well as user:internal, market:technology or design:driven activities. It defines terms that apply to all innovation management standards developed by ISO/TC 279.
ISO 56000 is closely interlinked with existing standards such as ISO 9001 (quality), ISO 14001 (environmental management) and ISO 45001 (health). This enables organizations to establish a comprehensive management system, which also anchors the sustainability of companies in a verifiable and certifiable manner.
The ÖNORM ISO 56000 series thus provides a sound basis for actively and sustainably shaping the future of innovation management. It is also compatible with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations.
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