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innovation talk 7: Group-wide innovation management for the RWTÜV Group

innovation talk 7: Group-wide innovation management for the RWTÜV Group

At our innovation talk we are very much looking forward to Thomas Biedermann, Vorsitzender des Vorstandes bei RWTÜV, who together with Reinhard Willfort, Mastermind isn – innovation service network, will give an insight into the world of innovation at RWTÜV.

150 years of RWTÜV were the occasion for the creation of a group-wide communication channel to link all employees worldwide for joint work on innovation projects.

Topic: Group-wide innovation management for RWTÜV Group

When: April 25, 2023, 1:00 - 2:00 pm

Where: Free online webinar in Zoom*

*The number of participants of the webinar is limited.

innovation talks are a new format of the innovation service network team. With the innovation talks we want to give you insights into exciting innovation projects and at the same time share first-hand experiences of our customers! 

You can find more information about the successful cooperation with RWTÜV in our Case Study.

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