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Ideas sought for digital neighborhood assistance

Ideas sought for digital neighborhood assistance


Sharing resources, helping each other and treating each other with respect - these are virtues that help a society not only in difficult times. There are also digital ways to engage with each other.

In order to get people moving and bring new ideas to the surface, an idea initiative was launched via "Crowd in Motion“: Digital Social Communities from living neighborly help to promoting the regional economy, participants can submit ideas and projects to make our world better and more livable.

Sylvia Andrews, Ö1 Digital.Leben, in conversation with Reinhard Willfort, initiator of the competition.

This interview can be heard on Ö1:

Nachbarschaftshilfe digital –

We would like to explore the potential of "Digital Social Communities" together with you and find concrete ideas, solutions and established examples to questions such as the following:

We want to give good ideas a stage and multiply the best projects in other regions. We look forward to your contributions and inspiring exchange on the platform.

Digital Social Communities - your ideas for the future of regional togetherness

It pays to participate - your ideas will be rewarded!

  • 1st-3rd prize - support for the implementation of the idea worth EUR 5,000
  • 4th-13th prize - collector coin "Global Warming" made of solid silver from Münze Österreich worth 82 EUR
  • 14-23rd prize - enjoyment voucher from Kasnudl Stadtküche worth 50 EUR

Einreichen kannst du deine Ideen noch bis 27.3.2024


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