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Crowdinnovation Award 2023 – hier Projekt einreichen

Crowdinnovation Award 2023 – hier Projekt einreichen


The award for innovations created through the power of the Crowd is an initiative of the European Digital Innovation Hub (EDIH) Crowd in Motion. The support of a crowd from different fields of expertise and with diverse talents enables knowledge and skills to be pooled in order to develop innovative solutions.

The Crowdinnovation Award brings these solutions onto the stage - and awards the idea bringers together with the implementing companies.

Nothing is stronger than an idea whose time has come!

You made a difference together with the crowd?

Have you initiated an open innovation crowd campaign or facilitated an internal company crowd campaign where ideas were successfully implemented? 
As an idea generator, you have provided the initial spark for sustainable change?

We are looking for you and your ideas and projects that have made a difference with the help of the crowd!

Was your project able to ...

Submit your project and benefit:

Deadline for submitting projects: 31.5.2023

Award Event: 16.6.2023 in Graz


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