Research | ComVantage


Open Innovation, Mobile Technologies & Industry 4.0 for SMEs

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Development of the innovation strategy virtual enterprise

In the EU-funded ComVantage project, we worked with renowned partners on innovative business models for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).
In the process, mobile applications were developed that enable designers, producers, suppliers and end customers to exchange information in a common collaboration network (linked data) and thus control the entire value creation process without major communication channels.

The ComVantage idea even goes one step further and also takes into account emerging trends such as personalization, individual production and emission reduction. Through networking, production processes become transparent and customer wishes can be integrated into production processes from customized design to local and nearest production.

  • Funded by the European Union in the 7th Research Framework Program in the thematic area of information and communication technologies
  • Budget: 11 Million Euro
  • Partner: SAP AG (D), COMAU (IT), Evidian (F), Innovalia Associación Bilbao (ES), Ben Gurion University Negev (IL), BOC (ES), TU Dresden – Institut für Prozessleittechnik (D), ISN – Innovation Service Network d.o.o. (SI), Nextel S.a. (ES), Kölsch und Altmann GmbH (D), RST Automation GmbH (D), Dresscode21 GmbH (AT), Universität Wien – Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik (AT)


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